July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20

Product Description

July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20 - Crewneck

July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20
July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20
July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20

The Motli Light by the The USB Lighter Company. Eco-friendly arc lighter. 100% butane free. Gray color. Perfect for candles. Gas appliance safe. Built-in LED flashlight. Battery indicator. Charging cable included. New in box but there is a mark on the surface (see last picture).
July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20
July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20
July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20
July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20

July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20



Status Shipping Fee Deliver 発送元地域 Arrived Days
In stock $15 UPS
製造元名 製造元情報


〒2340051 神奈川県横浜市港南区日野 5-16-5
TEL:0458430252 FAX:0458435481

128 16


    July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20 July 4th Sale - The Motli Light, USB Rechargeable Candle Lighter, Charcoal Gray - Blowout:£20
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